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Nutrition is the science that establishes the relationship between a person’s diet and their level of health.

Utilising diet and nutrition to prevent and treat illness should be the cornerstone of any health promoting treatment or program. The healing powers of food has been known for centuries and has recently been proven by numerous scientific studies.

However, foods can both heal and harm, so it is essential to tip the scale in favour of healing foods. A health promoting diet is the key to using food as medicine.

A Nutritionist assesses the things that need to be consumed, in order for the body to function correctly. These are: carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, minerals and water. All of these need to be consumed on a daily basis in a certain balance. A deficiency in one of these will have a negative impact on the body and disease, or a general feeling of being unwell, may be the result. Similarly over-consumption also causes an imbalance and results in disease.

A Nutritionist takes a comprehensive case-study based on your diet and lifestyle, assessing where you can do things better, or differently.
Supplements may be prescribed to kick-start a process or restore an imbalance/deficiency.

"Diet is one of the most powerful therapeutic tools;
food can really be used as medicine!" 

A nutrition consultation will assess not only what you eat, but also how it affects your physical and mental wellbeing. Learn better eating habits, design a specific plan for weight loss or weight management, or learn about specific diets for food allergies and more.



Ph: 0415 963 461
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